

Compendium of gamification strategies based on Augmented reality for STE(A)M learning

The first publication of the EU-Erasmus+ project "AR4STE(A)M" is the Augmented Reality Compendium - a compilation of suitable game-based AR (Augmented Reality Applications) apps and technologies for MINT (Mathematics, Computer Science, Science, Art and Technology) teaching.

AR4STEAM Brochure

Download here #AR4STE(A)M project brochure

AR4STEAM Newsletters

Download #AR4STE(A)M 1st newsletter:

EN | GR | IT | FR | TR | DE | NL

Download #AR4STEA(A)M 2nd newsletter:

EN | GR | IT | FR | TR | DE

AR4STE(A)M Press Release

Press Release #1 | July 2020:


Press Release #2 | January 2021: 

EN | IT | DE | TR | FR | NL | GR

Press Release #3 | June 2021: 

EN | DE | GR

Press Release #4 | December 2021:

EN | IT | DE | TR | FR | NL | GR

Press Release #5 | March 2022:

EN | IT | DE | TR | FR | NL | GR