"Augmented Reality in STEM lessons - an interactive report from school" by DIPF

As an innovative tool for telling stories and illustrating complex processes, immersive technologies are fundamentally changing the way we deal with technology in everyday life. Augmented Reality (AR) is such a technology. How it can be used in the context of learning is something that researchers and schools are testing within the EU-funded project “AR4STEAM”.

Together with teachers and students, the project team of DIPF Leibniz Institute for Educational Research and Information has been working on the development of an app along with learning units for science school lessons over the past few weeks and months:

Can the use of technology in the classroom increase the motivation, promote interest and engagement of students in learning?

We would like to present you the work and results so far and discuss them with you in a joint online event on September 30th:



14: 00-14: 10 Welcome & introduction of the project participants - Dana Kube (DIPF), project leader

14: 10-14: 30 Presentation of the project, our goals and demonstration of the "state of the art": The app & content for the school

14: 30-15: 00 Questions & Answers for students and teachers of the Adorno-Gymnasium, the team from Research & Physics-Didactics

15: 00-15: 45 Break-Out Sessions: Workshops!

  • Workshop 1) Physics didactician and Geogebra enthusiast Albert Teichrew on the educational use of AR
  • Workshop 2) Kai Brohbeil & Onur Karademir from StudyCore on technical tips and tricks about AR for learning and teaching
  • Workshop 3) Dr. Jan Schneider on learning analysis and evaluation: "Learning Analytics" from AR Apps (This workshop will be held in English)

15: 45-16: 00 Feedback round & farewell - Dana Kube (DIPF) & AR4STEAM team


We look forward to your participation!

Registration for the event is possible until Wednesday, September 29th via the link on the invitation.


Thank you very much & see you soon!

The AR4STEAM team